Talia Segal is an independent singer/songwriter from Washington, DC. She has released two albums to date, and has been on the road since early 2007, playing solo-acoustic shows all over the country in support of her original music. Talia's songs have received nods from several nationally-recognized songwriting contests including the 2010 Telluride Troubador Songwriting Contest (Finalist); and the 2009 John Lennon Songwriting Contest (Finalist), and garnered licensing contracts with MTV, Oxygen Network, Indesit, and E! Television. Talia just completed a cross-country, "Free CD" tour in support of her new album, "The Thing Itself", which is due for release in early 2012. For more information, please visit www.taliasegalmusic.com.
The music of The Plastic Revolution (TPR) is riddled with substance and is undeniably poignant. Characterized by untraditional song-structure, fantastically catchy hooks, and explosive exploratory lyrics, this music is truly a “revolution” of dynamic proportions.This kind of insight is what the pop-loving, everyday people of the world crave. It is music that is a social necessity in contemporary life: breaking all constraints and categorizations. Ultimately, no subject is taboo and this music is not merely pop/punk/electronica/hardcore or any other characterization. The Plastic Revolution is what we all are, a rough collection of the constant bombardment of stimuli thrown at us at all times; sometimes passionate and sometimes perverse, but always emotive. TPR is currently touring the US 2011-12 and scheduled for a return European Tour later in 2012.
More info at: http://www.theplasticrevolution.com http://mannequinvanityrecords.com
The winner of this year’s Best Up and Coming Rock Band are The Tangibles, a forward thinking alt-rock, jazz, funk and electronic foursome that hails from the great state of New Jersey. Similar to their homestate, they make no apologies for being loud and bringing their distinct personality to their music. Comprised of Brianna Ryder (vocals), Mike Sheffer (guitar/drums/synth), Derek Ouimet (bass/guitar) and Doron Sheffer (guitar/keys), the band is fresh off the press with their formation in early 2011.The Tangibles’ eclectic indie inspiration by artists like Joy Division, John Frusciante, Aesop Rock and Rx Bandits create an individual sound that is multifaceted (with the chaotically beautiful guitar riffs of Sheffer/Ouimet and smoothed over by soulful vocal styling of Ryder.) Their love for true creative expression and each other is prominent from all the sounds they cultivate. As a collective they wish to create honest music by experimenting with noise and life. You can find them at their band pages http://www.facebook.com/TheTangibles, http://thetangibles.bandcamp.com/ , http://www.youtube.com/user/TheTangibles or touring throughout the tri-state area. The Tangibles will be reentering the studio in Jan 2012. Their debut EP “Almost” is available for download now on iTunes and Bandcamp.
McAlister Drive is ROCK for people who like Folk, Soul, and Pop. With a modern sound that inspires Jet and Tom Petty to walk down the aisle during an Arcade Fire song, you might find McAlister Drive to be the newborn lovechild… or participating in the open bar at the reception. With roots from New Orleans, Boston, and Brooklyn, this band is now corrupting the better part of the US and Canada to believe in an infused genre mindset. They have been called “chameleons of the stage” and an “organic chaos,” which might be confusing at first, but will certainly confirm your agreement when you step into any McAlister Drive concert. There are mustaches, grooves, serious personalities, and special guests at every show that will make you question your ability to be popular. Expect a lot out of MD in 2012, as there will be a new full length record release, an extensive US and Canada tour, a live record, and a bunch of spontaneous other releases!
More info at: www.facebook.com/mcalisterdrive www.twitter.com/mcalisterdrive http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/missing-figures/id384321562 www.youtube.com/mcalisterdrivevideos
The Beautiful Word are an experimental folk pop 5 piece who have so far been Glastonbury Emerging Talent Finalists, supported the likes of Ellie Goulding, been introduced by Tom Robinson of BBC 6 Music, performed live on BBC Introducing radio and wowed onlookers at the Great Escape Festival amongst others, all as a DIY unsigned band. The band create music that teams joyous and raucous aggression with sweet and personal vocals: the purity of British folk with a more powerful sound.
More info at: www.thebeautifulword.co.uk www.facebook.com/thebeautifulword
Wenglish band The Reads have had a stonking year since they launched their debut album 'Stories from the Border' in front of a sell out crowd back in March. A busy summer of gigging along with some fantastic national and international radio airplay has seen their fanbase grow steadily over the last 12 months, gaining them some incredible reviews along the way. Definitely one to watch in 2012!
More info at: www.thereads.co.uk Twitter: @the_reads
We are excited to announce the winners of the 2nd Annual LadyLake Indie Music Awards! Thank you to all the artists from around the globe who submitted this year!
(None of our artists were eligible for selection.)
Best Up and Coming Female Song - Robin DeLorenzo for 'Shakey Ground' Best Up and Coming Rap/HipHop Artist - LHood for 'Above the Clouds' Best Video - Transmission Party for 'Don't You Worry 'Bout Me' Best Band that Broke Up - Other Side of Clearview for 'Goodbye' Best Potential Hit Single - McAlister Drive for 'Hands In Your Pockets' Best Up and Coming Rock Band - The Tangibles for 'New Frankenstein' Best Basement Track - James Mathis for 'You're Going With Me' Best New Duo - Wytchazel for 'Catch the Moon' Best Folk-Pop Album - Talia Segal for 'The Thing Itself' Best Alternative Album - The Reads for 'Stories From The Border' Best Folk Single - The Beautiful Word for 'Emily' Best Regional Band - The Northern Hooks
Indie CD of the Year - The Plastic Revolution for 'Postmodern Medicine'
Rob Taylor, one of our previously featured artists, has just released a new single called "Build it Higher." This song is a 9/11 tribute, and seeing this weekend marks the 10th anniversary, it is an appropriate time to showcase the song.
Please visit Rob's website to listen to "Build it Higher" and to find out where you can purchase the song.
After listening to "Emily," the newest single from The Beautiful Word, I knew I wanted to feature them here! "Emily" is a highly addicting song and one listen is not enough! Be sure to watch the video for "Emily" below and read the highly entertaining interview with the band. I have a feeling that they are really going places!
Before we really get into the interview, can you give our readers a quick introduction on who The Beautiful Word is and where you all are from?
We have Megan and Emily (vocals) Nelson (guitar) Scotty (bass) and Gruff (drums)
Megan: I’ve always been here, I’m a Brighton local. Emily and Nelson came to study and Emily wanted me to sing harmonies for one of her songs. It was ‘Golden Box’ and I thought it was amazing. I hadn’t really written much and I wanted to, and Emily spurred me on to do that. We had a few different drummers and bassists until we found Gruff, and later Scotty. We couldn’t see it any other way now.
Emily: I’m From North East Scotland, moved to Brighton for college and met Megan and Nelson there. We jammed as a 3 piece and played our first gig in an Oxfam.
Scotty: Spent most my younger years in Seaford East Sussex, Emigrated to New Zealand then came back to study music at college. I met Megan there and she took me to see ‘The Omen.’ 2 years later she phoned me up and said she needed a bassist. I was touched!
How did you come up with the beautiful name, The Beautiful Word? Megan: We were googling 'Beautiful Words' for hours - we wanted just one really nice sounding word to put out there. We thought about Sister for a while, which seems so lame now. In the end we went with what we'd googled the whole time!
Emily: Yeah Sister, what was that about!? Plus we have come across two similar bands that have “sister” in the name since then.
If you had to describe your sound in 10 words or less, what would it be?
Megan: Harmonic, uplifting.
Emily: Experimental mystery pop folk. ABBA with country attitude? Ha.
Megan: Dunno about country! ‘5 children write grown up music with a child's heart’ - that’s 10 exactly!
You guys just released a new single, "Emily," which must be so exiting for you! How has the initial reaction been so far?
Gruff: It's been great so far. It's the first time we've got someone else to do the recording for us and it's a different sound to what we've had before. People love it! Everyone loves the video too!
Megan: Online, it’s been really nice. We're self releasing and completely DIY - I think this is the first time we've really consciously taken it into our own hands and done it properly, although we've made an EP and an Album before this, not as many people know about them. This time it's like 'Wow, these people we don't know in Malaysia are talking about our single!' That is really nice.
Emily: Woo hoo it’s been great! We do have a few Malaysian fans, yes! The launch party was rammed, there were people singing along.... All good stuff.
Megan: Yeah selling out in our home town was lovely. Now the world, please!
You have a video for the single as well. How long did that process take? Do you have any stories from the experience you would like to share?
Megan: Sooo much running. 12 hours of running!
Emily: Yeah, unfortunately the running is also my strongest memory!
Megan: We got there at 6.30am to get that nice healthy light, but we’re not actually that healthy ourselves. That was tough. Myself and Emily had to wrestle for ages which was hilarious but then tiring. The boys were on form though and were really patient, unlike me. Also Dan Bridge who filmed the whole thing was super positive the whole time which was great.
Gruff: I spent a lot of the day with a tissue in my face. I get quite bad hayfever. Frolicking in the woods didn't help too much.
You just played a bunch of gigs as part of your UK Summer Tour. How was that experience? Do any shows stand out as 'a best show?'
Scotty: Touring was great fun but tiring. It was really good to see/play new places. Met some great people along the way too!
Gruff: I think we all have good and bad shows but the overall experience of being on tour was just awesome. It was great to see so many sights and meet so many people.
Emily: For me the best show was Edinburgh. The tour was full of old surprised friends and lots of new and surprised fans. There were no bad shows. The best bit was the hospitality of the people we stayed with. We all got to know each other pretty well too...
Megan: Yeah we slept for free on peoples’ floors, normally all 5 of us in a line, waking up together, driving somewhere, doing a gig together, going to sleep… no arguments, though!
Speaking of touring, are there any plans for a next tour?
Scotty: I think we were thinking of doing more "weekends away" rather than a large chunk of gigs off, were all busy bodies etc and want to record so that will be better for economizing our time. (I’m a geek)
Emily: We’re planning some citybreaks as Scotty says. It’s important for us to get out there and meet new people!
Megan: Yes, If you can take us in for the weekend and want us to play in your town, we have our own sleeping bags, and cutlery…
What has been the most embarrassing thing to happen while onstage?
Gruff: Luckily, being the drummer, I'm right at the back so no-one ever saw that thing that happened once.
Emily: The amount of times I’ve forgotten the words to something is hilarious. There was a moment on tour when Megan and I forgot the words to something we were meant to be singing in harmony at exactly the same time and we looked at each other and it came out something like “meh meh ma na na meh ma”.
Megan: I dropped my toy piano on my head when trying to move the crate it was on to lengthen my mic cable. I did the gig with concussion…
FUN BAND QUESTIONS: Who in the band is the...
friendliest? (added in by the band)
Emily: We’re all pretty friendly! But I’d say Megan?
Megan: Damn straight, it’s me!
most outgoing? Nelson: Jones - he goes to work everyday
best dancer? Nelson: Gruff, he has more shapes than a 5 sided fistagon
Emily: Sorry guys, but I think we’re all pretty bad dancers!!
Megan: My ‘Loosey Goosie’ is quite good!
pickiest eater? Nelson: Scott "Calorie count" Jones
Emily: Scotty.
Megan: Jones has to watch the biscuits, yes. Calls them ‘Mcfatties’
most likely to spend too much money in one place? Nelson: Meg, replacing stuff she’s left in an off license.
Megan: :’(
Gruff: Not me, I'm a Tesco value man.
messiest? Nelson: probably me - drum village (What Megan used to call my tobacco packet mountain next to the mixing desk) and baccy corner are 2 of my favorite places, although at least twice in recent memory, Emily has been messier than all of us.
Megan: Emily is messier in the behavioral sense.
Emily: Well done Nelson for taking one for the team. It’s definitely you!
What makes you stand out from others in your genre?
Emily: We created mystery pop! We did that on purpose so we could be the best!
Megan: On a serious note, I think the thing about this band that gets me the most excited is how genuine it all feels. We’ve been together 4 years now, we’ve all lived together at one point or another, we only make music we like. We’re not chasing trends and employing stylists – our music and songs have grown into something we are all proud of. You can see with some bands that what they are doing doesn’t fit with who they are – that’s not the case with us.
Nelson: Jones is a Ninja, occasionally he is known to vanish onstage and return with a menagerie of energy drinks... it is the 8th wonder of the world. Other than that, a toy piano, intricate musicianship and harmony, and generally not being a miserable bunch, apart from me, which makes me ironically happy.
Where do you see yourselves in five years?
Emily: That’s a scary question!
Nelson: Creating musical riots where scones will be thrown at police armed with tea and jam.
Megan: Hopefully doing the same thing, making more friends, playing more gigs. I’d love to tour France or Japan.
Where can our readers find out more about The Beautiful Word and buy your music?
Megan: Everything is on Itunes, if you don’t like them you can download form our website, or from amazon mp3, in loads of places really. We’re on Spotify, and you can get physical CDs hand posted from us on the website too www.thebeautifulword.co.uk
Any last thoughts before we wrap this interview up?
Nelson: When the zombie apocalypse comes, are you ready?
Megan: Zombies are sooo late 2010.
Before we get into the interview, could you please give a brief introduction on who you are/where you are from? Sure, this is Leesa from the band Naked on Roller Skates. We are from the Boston area and are about to put out our first EP.
Who are your biggest musical influences? That’s a tough one. There are so many really. I worked in a record store for years growing up so I ended up getting into a bunch of different stuff. When I was younger it was Nirvana, REM and PJ Harvey. More recently it’s probably more like Van Morrison, Ryan Adams and Cat Power. People say they hear some Hole in there somewhere, which is probably accurate. I also have a giant sweet spot for Hair Bands, Classic Rock and generally soulful music.
How did you come up with the band name Naked on Roller Skates? I say this post card that looked cool with “Naked on Roller Skates” on it. I guess it was a book by this guy Maxwell Bodenheim. I was just like, it's going to be a female fronted rock band and I am kind of a bombshell, Naked on Roller Skates, it's perfect. The other name I was toying around with was The Lost Cowboys but we just ain’t alt-country enough to have a name like that and honestly get away with it. Plus people who are Naked on Roller Skates just have more fun than people who are Lost Cowboys!!
Explain your song writing process. I basically start everything thing out as stream of consciousness, playing and singing till I feel like it's working. Then I hammer away on it for a while trying to tweak what I have got. Make a Garage band recording of it. Send it to the band to get their feedback on it. Then they start writing their parts, and then we edit what we have from there. I played solo for a long time so the whole writing with a band thing is new to me. On this record I went into the studio with everything already complete so it has been a new process to write with other folks you are playing with on a regular basis. It pushes you to think outside the box a bit.
If you could tour with anyone, who would it be and why? Right now. I would love to tour with REM, mainly cause I love Michael Stipe and I think they would be a blast to hang out with. Plus I love their music. Either them or Tom Petty cause he is just classic!
What is the funniest thing that has ever taken place at one of your gigs? I have once played in a clothing store which is just kind of funny overall and I used to play at this coffee house. During a gig a homeless man started to impromptu dance through out the whole set, so that was kind of awesome! Nothing cool like being puked on, pooped on by some sort of sea bird, having your eyebrows burnt off or biting the head off a bat, but we are working on it!!
Do you have any rituals you do before you perform? I like to have a few minutes to myself. Sometimes I do a total wardrobe switch, I have been know to do this in a public restroom or the kitchen basement of a venue. The kitchen is much more kind to the wardrobe switch than the public restroom. Don’t get in the way of the ladies and their sink!!! But it helps get me in the mindset that it's time to rock. I also try real hard not to get too wasted pre-set, that's always a good one keep in mind unless you have one of those Grace Slick moments on stage. Where do you see yourselves in 5 years? I would love to see myself on tour somewhere. Having completed at least a few other records. AND I would love to see myself quitting my day job and really getting carried away with making music. But I try not to get too wrapped up in the thought of it but it's sure is nice to think about. As a rule of thumb it’s good to keep your expectations down to earth and take things as they come. Overall I think that leads to more of a general happiness about life.
You have a new EP coming out soon. Can you share any details on that? Are there any stories you would like to share about the process? 7 Songs, 3 Years, 5 Different Studios, 7 musicians Having your first EP done and knowing you did it the way you wanted to, priceless!
What 5 CDs/albums do you feel are the most influential ever made? Bruce Springsteen - Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J. | Radiohead – The Bends REM – Automatic For The People | Nirvana –Nevermind PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love Honorable Mention: Def Leppard – Hysteria | Van Morrison – Van Morrison Lauryn Hill – The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill Guns N’ Roses – Appetite for Destruction | Led Zeppelin - Zoso
Who in the band is the: Biggest flirt? Travis, Kelly and Me (Three way tie) Messiest? Kelly or Randy (Travis and myself are total neat freaks!) Most likely to get lost in a new city? Randy Most shy? Randy Best dancer? Randy
Where can we learn more about you/buy your music? All sorts of places: http://www.facebook.com/norsrock http://www.last.fm/music/Naked+On+Roller+Skates http://www.reverbnation.com/nakedonrollerskates http://www.myspace.com/nakedonrollerskates http://www.sonicbids.com/nakedonrollerskates http://www.ourstage.com/profile/nakedonrollerskates Twitter = @norsrocks Video = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cnfARQ31uc
Any last thoughts before we wrap this interview up? This was fun thanks for having us ☺ If you were an animal what you be? If Naked on Roller Skates were an animal what would we be? I like to assign animal persona’s to people I meet. (No this does not mean I am a fury, it’s more like I am a Native American.)
BIOGRAPHY: Tony Memmel is a songwriter and performer with unique charisma and creativity. He was born missing his left forearm and taught himself to play the guitar, piano and harmonica. It is my contention that if you heard a song of Tony’s on the radio or on one of his CDs (“The Tale of an Underdog” (’08), “Potter Road” (‘09) or his brand new album "Here We Go") and were not aware of his being an amputee, you would never know the difference at all. In fact, many people are often shocked to learn of it and/or don’t even notice at his live shows until he wipes the sweat from his face with the two characteristic arm bands that he wears on his left bicep.
But, Memmel is not one to try to sell you on his handicap alone. His music most definitely stands on its own. It is catchy, without sacrificing sincerity, and his lyrics are personal and real. Memmel has earned a Bachelor’s degree in music and is a classically trained and acclaimed vocalist. He has gained a loyal following and support from fans and musicians alike in the Midwest, the Country, and even the World.
Though you will most often see Memmel playing solo, his band has rapidly worked its way onto the scene. In 2008, drummer and longtime friend Brian Farvour began collaborating with Memmel. Tony soon recruited his wife Lesleigh Memmel to join the cast. She contributes backing vocals and piano/keyboards to the group’s signature sound.
Memmel has toured extensively and is making a name for himself in such places as Milwaukee, Boston, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Minneapolis. During the course of his latest tour he was honored to take first place in a prestigious singer-songwriter competition in Boston. He's sold hundreds of CD's and t-shirts, out of his trusty brown leather suitcase, to a growing national fan-base.
It may sound trite, but in this case trite is just plain accurate, Tony Memmel has a talent and personality that you simply do not see every day. It doesn’t fit to say it’s the beginning, as Memmel has accomplished more in his life with one hand than I have with two. Get on board now, as many already have, and be on the lookout for great things from this bright young artist.
Before we get into the interview, could you please give a brief introduction on who you are/where you are from? Hello, my name is Tony Memmel and I'm a singer-songwriter from Milwaukee, WI.
In one sentence, describe your music to someone who may have never heard you before. Singing, song-writing, good old fashioned one-armed folk rock!
What makes you stand out compared to other artists in your genre? There are a lot of tremendously talented artists in my genre. Being a singer-songwriter is challenging. It demands the focus of the listener, and the songs and stories are usually very personal - You put yourself on the line everyday. What makes me different... It took me a LONG TIME to figure out how I could even play the guitar and get in front of people as a solo artist... Years. I've pushed myself doubly hard to develop into a songwriter that I can respect and be proud of. I have a unique story and it's one I'm glad to be able to share.
At the end of the day, I know that I am one of the hardest working artists out there.
Do you have any formal training? Yes, I have a degree in Music Business and I am a classically trained vocalist. However, I am self-taught on guitar and have never had a formal lesson.
Who are your biggest musical influences? My biggest influences are: Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Ben Folds, Iron & Wine, Tom Petty, The Swell Season, and more recently The National, and the Arcade Fire.
Describe your dream tour. My dream tour was my first tour (2009). Now, touring is a reality and a huge part of who I am as a musician. I LOVE being on the road.
I plan to continue expanding my reach, keep going east, start going west. In the next few years, I'd love to travel to Europe to tour.
A dream tour would be to open for one of my aforementioned influences... Or better yet, have them open for me! ;)
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened while onstage? I'm not too easily embarrassed, but a few years back I was playing an outdoor show and when I inhaled to sing, I inhaled an Asian beetle and choked on it. That was pretty nasty and took a while to recover (physically and mentally)!
If you had one hour to spend with any musician (dead or alive), who would it be and what would you do? I'd probably buy Bruce Springsteen a beer, hang out, and pick his brain a bit. I think that would be really cool.
You are stuck on a deserted island. What are three things you can’t live without? My wife, my guitar, and an MP3 player with all of my favorite music.
If you could be rich OR be a musician-which would you choose? I'd be a musician. I think richness can be defined in many different ways. Right now I am a musician with a growing fan-base, a wife who loves me, a supportive family, and friends I enjoy spending time with. I travel, I write, I work from home many days... Sounds pretty good to me.
What is your favorite... movie? Tough question, I love film... I particularly enjoy Martin Scorsese films - (The Aviator, The Departed, Gangs of New York, No Direction Home etc.). song? "Born to Run" by Bruce Springsteen color? No one has asked me this in a while... Green or blue... They're all pretty nice! animal? Dogs and/or cats. vacation spot? I'd love to make it back to Europe again. I also enjoy the American east coast... Or Disney World :) food? I love Mexican food!
What's one random fact that not many people know about you? I'm competitive... Especially when it comes to board games or four-square.
Where can we learn more about you/buy your music? You can learn more at: www.tonymemmel.com, www.myspace.com/tonymemmel, look up my Facebook artist page, www.twitter.com/tonymemmel, or email me at tony@tonymemmel.com.
You can buy my music at www.itunes.com/tonymemmel and at www.tonymemmel.com
Any last thoughts before we wrap this interview up? Thank you so much for taking time to interview me. I really appreciate it!