Interview with Jen Andujar and Camille Bloom
Before we get into the interview, could you please give a brief introduction on who you are/where you are from?
My name is Camille Bloom - and I am an International touring musician based in Seattle. Throughout my life, I have lived all around Washington state, including Lake Chelan, Spokane, and now Seattle for the past decade.
In 10 words or less, describe your music to someone who may have never heard you before.
Feisty Acoustic Folk Pop Rock that you will enjoy. :)
Who are your biggest musical influences?
Hmmm . . . First off, my parents. Also, Billy Joel, The Beatles, Ani Difranco, Chris Martin, Muse, Michael Jackson, Dar Williams, Patty Griffin . . . the list goes on.
How old were you when you knew that you wanted to be a musician?
I have always been into music - starting with the recorder at Age 3, playing along with The Beatles "Fool on the Hill" - and then following with saxophone for 9 years, piano, choir for a couple years, hand drums, and of course, guitar. I didn't know that I wanted to be a professional musician until I was in my twenties.
Do you have any formal training?
No formal training at all in fact. I have just studied a lot on my own - and picked up both guitar and vocal techniques from watching. I am finally taking some music theory classes - as I think it is really important to know when you are playing with the big dogs.
If you could tour with any band/artist from any time, who would it be and why?
I think it would have to Coldplay. I feel like they really balance the beauty of the singer / songwriter - and the rock of a full band. My full 6 piece band sounds edgy and rock - but the show is still very much focused on the lyrics & songs.
What is your favorite song of all time?
It would either be "Walking in Memphis" by Marc Cohn, or "The Babysitter's Here" by Dar Williams
You have more than one cd out. Which was the most fun to record? Which was the hardest? Which one are you are most proud of?
The most fun record to record was my 2nd full Length - "Say Goodbye to Pretty". That album was produced by Paul Kimble, a fabulous producer who has worked with RadioHead, David Grey - and he played / produced Grant Lee Buffalo for years. I also love him personally as a friend. He gave a lot to this record, and was a creative genius in helping bring out the voice in each song. The hardest record to record was probably the first album, "Within Me" - because we labored over that one for over a year. It took so long - and it was very hard to let go of, I think because it was my first - and I wanted it to be perfect. The album I am most proud of is my 3rd Full Length - "Ten Thousand Miles" - because we did that entire record in one take in front of a live studio audience. It was probably the most stressful thing I have ever taken on - and I still can't believe we did it. I went into the studio the next week to clean up a couple of small things -but really, I feel proud that you really get a sense of what my band sounds like live. I am really proud of the musicianship of the boys / girls in my band. They are outstanding.
Are there any causes or charities that you support?
I am a big supporter of Cancer Research & Breast Cancer Awareness. I have donated concerts, albums, and money to this cause. I have also raised money for the Crohn's Disease Foundation, and of late, I played a concert for the Clean Technology Trade Alliance” To Help to Create Green Jobs by Working to Identify and Grow Cleantech Businesses. I also love doing shows in support of schools, and after school programs for youth. I direct a Non-Profit Rock N' Roll camp for kids in the summer as well - http://www.rock-school.org
You are taking the night off-what can we expect you to be doing?
I love to read. I am a huge fan of books - and I suppose that is why I have an English teaching degree. I also love to get into my pajamas as early as possible and watch DVD's My job forces me to be incredibly extroverted and surrounded by people nearly every night on a tour. When I have a night off, I love to do the opposite of most folks. They like to get out and socialize. I like to stay home with my family and snuggle my kitty.
Where can we learn more about you/buy your music?
You can pick up my music in a number of places - namely my website: http://www.camillebloom.com - but also on-line through nearly 100 outlets, such as I-tunes, amazon, etc.
I also have a Myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/camillebloom - and a Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/camille.bloom - and I tweet every now and then too: http://www.twitter.com/camillebloom
Any last thoughts before we wrap this interview up?
Yes! I would love people to know that I am currently running a Crowd-Funding Campaign to raise money for my next record. I am shooting for $25,000 - in order to pay for production, mastering, duplication and promotion. I have made it possible to get your donations Tax Deductible as well. Every single dollar helps - and I have some amazing packages available for different levels of donation. Feel free to visit http://www.camillebloom.com/donation_packages_2010.html for more info - and to make your donation though Paypal - or via check / money order.